Thank you for being a Game Changer!

Your donation provides people with access to wellness through nature and arts.

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raised towards $10,000 goal




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Your donation provides people with access to wellness through nature and arts.

Some of the ways your donations help:

Compass Community School Service Learning Partnership
Arkwings’ partnership with Compass Community School blossomed in 2023! More than one hundred 9-12 grade students engaged in hands-on activities in their classrooms, in our Art Yard & Garden, and our indoor galleries and creative spaces.

“(Our students) appreciate how much Arkwings trusts them and asks them to use their creativity, their ideas, and their voice to make a difference…we have very few partnerships that allow students to serve in this unique way. We see that they are feeling truly connected and that they are finding a place in the community where they feel welcome to be themselves. Is there anything more valuable than that?!"

Developing Creative Leaders
Arkwings believes that everyone should have access to arts and nature-based experiences, and we particularly support individuals exploring creative development and community leadership in these areas. We provide space (indoors and out), mentoring, supplies, and other resources to help them grow personally or professionally.

“Something I learned through Arkwings is that the more you give to the community the more it will give back to you. -Alexis Gomez (SIXOMO) is an energetic, multi-faceted artist and photographer who was introduced to Arkwings during Caza de Arte last April. In October, he presented his first exhibit, titled “I am Dyslexic”, at Frayser Local Arts Festival.

Multi-Cultural Outreach & Programming
One of our goals for 2023 was to increase our reach in the community to ensure that everyone feels welcomed at Arkwings. We announced plans to integrate bilingual signage and programs, and to specifically invite Latino residents to bring ideas to the table.

Through this outreach, we are promoting equity and accessibility to mind, body, and spiritual wellness through arts and nature.